Imamu Been Busy.
Bunch of stuff has happened. Most importantly, I'm lvl 44 now, ranked a Scout, and have my Raptor mount. Here's some random pics of the last few days.
What defense?
Imamu and Chroma do Wailing Caverns.
Foraging herbs can be quite dangerous. Later found out that this guy can hit me for 1137 damage.
Me and some guildmates gonna go kill stuff. Morning and I chose the sports model, while Don chose the SUV.
Dude's got some pandas.
Imamu and Chroma do Blackfathom Deeps.
When Imamus attack.
Imamu and Chroma do Tarren Mill.
I did some exploring. Place is scary.
Imamu Watches People Die.
In the past couple of days I've seen people do some stupid stuff. The best examples of this are the PvP ones. I have here two of such examples.
Such as this one I witnessed while on the way to the Scarlet Monastery. On the run I saw a pvp flagged 36 gnome mage heading there as well. I contemplated attacking, but decided not to, as there were usually higher level Alliance around that would come to his aid. This didn't stop the two Undead players, though.
If you haven't noticed, the attacking Rogue is lvl10.
This guy attacked without hesitation, and followed the Gnome for a distance. The gnome seemingly didn't take notice. Then the Rogue's lady friend started in. She was also lvl10. They ran after him for quite a bit, then the gnome stopped and looked at them. They didn't run away or anything, completely unaware of the danger they faced. As their chance to get away had come and gone, the Gnome decided to swat these flies that annoyed him so.
They dropped incredibly fast. It was hard to get any screenshots.
With the annoyance gone, the gnome went about his business. What we can learn from this is, don't attack shit that can kill you and your girlfriend with one spell.
The next example is my favorite so far. This took place in Gadgetzan, while a couple of duels were going on. A Human lady was dueling an Orc, and she won, which usually means when the loser is a few hits away from death, the duel ends. This case was the same, except the orc was PvP flagged, and the Human didn't stop hitting him. Since we were in the middle of town, the guards didn't take to kindly to that, and they destroyed the already weakened Human.
After this display you'd think everyone has learned to not attack other players while in the middle of a town. Apparently one Dwarf Paladin was too dense for this to take effect, and charged the Orc, thus sending the guards after him.
Haha! Is right.
Run little Dwarf, run!
Just another day on the job for the Bruisers. Don't be a dumbass like this guy, or the others, pick your fights wisely.
Imamu Kills Giants.
A slower day today. Mainly made cash, but also did some more pvp, explored, and killed a couple giants. The day was off to a good start, as I barely made it onto the boat as it left port.
It was quite the close call.
After this I went fishing for some Deviate fishies. It's amazing what people you can meet while fishing.
He's so proud.
After catching 20 more Deviates, I went to check out the artisan cooking quest. I got sidetracked and decided to do a little exploring. During such explorations I found a lvl61 elite monster....
...And I made him angry. This happens when you try to cast a spell on it.
Not even a thank you. This relationship isn't going to work out.
More exploring.
Done with that, I helped Rob go through Ragefire Chasm. It took all of ten minutes and got Rob a bunch of goodies.
Also did some more PvP. Once again I ruled. First battle I joined was hopeless....there were no groups, and the alliance steamrollered it. I joined in the last five minutes, too late to do anything helpful. The next two battles, though, we reigned supreme. They couldn't escape my defense, and our flag runner couldn't be stopped.
Flawless Victory. Yes I captured a flag while defending. I was on the phone too. I'm awesome. Did the same thing in the second battle for the win.
To end my night, me, and a couple of others (one guildmember) killed a few giants. One being Fozruk, whom I've wanted to kill since I first saw him.
I think he suspects me.
He was tough, killing us the first go round. But after we knew what he could do, he went down easily. Notice Znort's actions in the chatbox.
After Fozruk, we had to kill his buddy, who was a lot easier. We had to kill him three times, once for each party member.
And with that, I called it a night. Hopefully tomorrow I will be ranked as a scout, and be very close to getting my mount. We shall see.
Imamu Round the World.
A busy day for Imamu today. I started off with a bit of PvP, joining a Warsong Gulch battle. I can say how much these rule, it's like capture the flag games from first person shooters, but much better because it's in WoW. The Alliance got an early lead on us at the beginning, capturing our flag twice. One more capture and they'd win.
I upped my defense game and turned into a god, while the rest of the group got their act together. It took a while, but we came back from what looked like an early loss and pulled off a win. Alliance sux.
One man rushes into our flag room doesn't work. This guy died fast.
Multiple man rushes didn't work either. These guys also died. None can stand to my might. Unless they have all their casters snipe me from the roof. They got me that time. Lol, I'm such a threat they have to make kill teams for me.....What ego?
Told you.
And the win. Now that I'm lvl 40, I'm going to hit this place a lot. I'm addicted.
After we won, I exited out of the zone into the camp everyone waits in. Upon my arrival I get attacked by a lvl60 Dwarf Paladin. I had heard of his guild before. They are No Quarter, one of the Alliance side uber guilds, whose favorite hobby is jumping the lower level players that come out of the Battleground.
He jumped the wrong Shaman. Of course I didn't kill him....the mass of people there did. But I didn't die, and that means I'm awesome.
After this I decided to do some questing and hit lvl 40. There was a group shouting that they needed another to do some elite quests. I needed the quests too, so I joined them and did a few. One of which was the last step of Raptor Mastery, which required me to kill a lvl 43 Elite raptor. By now is was just me and a rogue, and I convinced him we could take it ourselves, hoping I was right.
Turns out I was. That thing tore me up though. Rob also did something cool, as shown by his fat rod.
After this a guild group formed up, and we got a ton of quests done. This group was the most hectic I've been in so far that didn't completely fail. Our warrior didn't really grasp the meaning of "I need Mana" or "Be Careful". It was tons of fun, but afterwards I was spent. The fact that I was healer didn't help much.
My group puts on a show for me.
We killed a ton of ogres tonight. I love this pic.
And this is why we be careful. I ended up dying 3 times trying to keep people alive (warrior also didn't grasp the whole "Taunt" thing either), but I had a bunch of fun, and got an assload of quests done.
So now I'm lvl 40, almost halfway through after all those quest turn ins, and about 35 gold away from my raptor mount. Tomorrow is a cash day, going to be gathering herbs and making a bunch of potions to sell. I'm also going to pvp a lot.
Yay quotes.
He's Kinda Green!
Following Rob's lead, I've decided to make a blog to journal my adventures with Imamu. This is kind of in the same spirit as my MMO Life posts on my main blog, as these posts will become my memories.
lets catch you up.
This is Imamu, he is a Troll Shaman, currently level 38. He can walk on water.....take that, Jesus.
I started Imamu with Rob, who made Ansgar. We wanted to start fresh, so we picked a new server to play on. Ansgar was a chicken.
Imamu likes to look at butts.
Imamu is a part of a guild called Red Dragon Dynasty. They've been around since the start of EQOA, and carried over into WoW. We kill things together.
Here's another guy we killed. This one was tough, as we were lower level for the fight, and short one man. We rule though, and barely beat him.
Keep reading. I'll post a bunch of goodies as I play Imamu and various alts. Should be fun. /wave