Imamu Watches People Die.
In the past couple of days I've seen people do some stupid stuff. The best examples of this are the PvP ones. I have here two of such examples.Such as this one I witnessed while on the way to the Scarlet Monastery. On the run I saw a pvp flagged 36 gnome mage heading there as well. I contemplated attacking, but decided not to, as there were usually higher level Alliance around that would come to his aid. This didn't stop the two Undead players, though.
This guy attacked without hesitation, and followed the Gnome for a distance. The gnome seemingly didn't take notice. Then the Rogue's lady friend started in. She was also lvl10. They ran after him for quite a bit, then the gnome stopped and looked at them. They didn't run away or anything, completely unaware of the danger they faced. As their chance to get away had come and gone, the Gnome decided to swat these flies that annoyed him so.

The next example is my favorite so far. This took place in Gadgetzan, while a couple of duels were going on. A Human lady was dueling an Orc, and she won, which usually means when the loser is a few hits away from death, the duel ends. This case was the same, except the orc was PvP flagged, and the Human didn't stop hitting him. Since we were in the middle of town, the guards didn't take to kindly to that, and they destroyed the already weakened Human.
After this display you'd think everyone has learned to not attack other players while in the middle of a town. Apparently one Dwarf Paladin was too dense for this to take effect, and charged the Orc, thus sending the guards after him.
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